ASCII generator: Konwertowanie tekstu do tekstu ASCII (COLOSSAL)
ASCII art Generator konwertuje tekst na opracowanie logo ASCII (Czcionki: COLOSSAL)
Style czcionek:
starwars 1372
swampland 1153
Georgia11 966
small 818
doom 696
big 614
alpha 594
banner3 454
doh 448
epic 389
gothic 330
ivrit 330
standard 325
banner4 318
speed 316
alligator2 243
smkeyboard 233
graffiti 219
larry3d 210
dotmatrix 208
sub-zero 164
eftifont 143
dosrebel 134
kontoslant 130
colossal 125
contrast 120
term 114
konto 110
chunky 109
3-d 107
fender 99
wow 93
isometric3 89
slant 89
broadway 87
linux 85
decimal 85
banner 84
letters 84
shimrod 83
isometric4 83
morse 79
univers 76
puffy 76
fuzzy 74
bubble 72
pepper 72
threepoint 71
nancyj-fancy 71
nancyj 70
eftitalic 68
eftipiti 67
ogre 66
hex 66
octal 66
greek 66
isometric1 65
straight 64
runic 64
crawford 63
jacky 63
basic 63
5lineoblique 63
3x5 63
banner3-D 62
italic 62
cybersmall 61
drpepper 61
bigchief 61
cyberlarge 60
binary 60
digital 60
thin 60
stampatello 60
bell 59
o8 59
ghost 59
B1FF 59
wetletter 58
nancyj-underlined 58
amc3line 58
mini 58
rectangles 58
pyramid 58
red_phoenix 58
alphabet 58
henry3d 58
wavy 57
tiles 57
smslant 57
4max 56
georgi16 56
mirror 56
eftiwall 56
eftirobot 55
alligator 55
jazmine 55
script 55
mnemonic 54
serifcap 54
stampate 54
santaclara 53
stellar 53
graceful 53
s-relief 53
caligraphy 53
bigfig 53
bulbhead 53
mike 53
cybermedium 52
isometric2 51
blocks 51
contessa 51
short 51
peaks 51
coinstak 51
tinker-toy 51
jerusalem 51
computer 51
lcd 50
double 50
marquee 50
morse2 50
flowerpower 49
bright 49
goofy 49
nancyj-improved 49
smisome1 49
smscript 48
usaflag 48
amc3liv1 48
cricket 48
reverse 47
lildevil 47
oldbanner 47
kban 47
smpoison 47
keyboard 46
invita 46
stop 46
smallcaps 46
smshadow 46
train 46
nipples 46
tanja 46
flipped 46
rot13 46
varsity 46
amctubes 46
pawp 45
avatar 45
twopoint 45
weird 45
amcrazo2 45
barbwire 44
tombstone 44
twisted 44
mshebrew210 44
heart_right 44
lockergnome 44
rowancap 43
diamond 43
modular 43
spliff 43
fourtops 43
block 43
shadow 43
amcslash 43
amcthin 42
soft 42
calgphy2 41
amcun1 41
eftiwater 41
1row 41
roman 41
amcneko 41
slscript 41
funfaces 41
braced 41
ticksslant 41
stacey 40
amcslder 40
3d_diagonal 40
fire_font-s 40
rozzo 40
arrows 40
hieroglyphs 40
os2 40
broadway_kb 39
peaksslant 39
sweet 39
crazy 39
stforek 39
chiseled 39
fire_font-k 38
thick 38
poison 38
smtengwar 38
relief2 38
muzzle 38
heart_left 37
merlin1 37
dancingfont 37
ICL-1900 37
lean 37
filter 37
maxfour 37
trek 37
alligator3 36
cola 36
hollywood 36
amcrazor 36
catwalk 36
ascii_new_roman 35
knob 35
pebbles 35
benjamin 35
gradient 35
madrid 35
rammstein 35
defleppard 34
cosmike 34
starstrips 34
moscow 34
fraktur 33
cygnet 33
whimsy 33
ntgreek 33
dwhistled 33
impossible 33
tubular 33
DANC4 33
nvscript 33
horizontalleft 32
tengwar 31
cards 31
puzzle 31
cosmic 31
katakana 31
tsalagi 31
rounded 31
eftichess 31
horizontalright 31
amcaaa01 30
relief 30
glenyn 30
slide 30
funface 30
doubleshorts 30
acrobatic 30
test1 30
rotated 29
ticks 29
lineblocks 29
bear 29
dietcola 29
swan 29
nscript 28
runyc 28
bolger 28
sblood 28
merlin2 28
ghoulish 28
starwars 1372
swampland 1153
Georgia11 966
small 818
doom 696
big 614
alpha 594
banner3 454
doh 448
epic 389
gothic 330
ivrit 330
standard 325
banner4 318
speed 316
alligator2 243
smkeyboard 233
graffiti 219
larry3d 210
dotmatrix 208
sub-zero 164
eftifont 143
dosrebel 134
kontoslant 130
colossal 125
contrast 120
term 114
konto 110
chunky 109
3-d 107
fender 99
wow 93
isometric3 89
slant 89
broadway 87
linux 85
decimal 85
banner 84
letters 84
shimrod 83
isometric4 83
morse 79
univers 76
puffy 76
fuzzy 74
bubble 72
pepper 72
threepoint 71
nancyj-fancy 71
nancyj 70
eftitalic 68
eftipiti 67
ogre 66
hex 66
octal 66
greek 66
isometric1 65
straight 64
runic 64
crawford 63
jacky 63
basic 63
5lineoblique 63
3x5 63
banner3-D 62
italic 62
cybersmall 61
drpepper 61
bigchief 61
cyberlarge 60
binary 60
digital 60
thin 60
stampatello 60
bell 59
o8 59
ghost 59
B1FF 59
wetletter 58
nancyj-underlined 58
amc3line 58
mini 58
rectangles 58
pyramid 58
red_phoenix 58
alphabet 58
henry3d 58
wavy 57
tiles 57
smslant 57
4max 56
georgi16 56
mirror 56
eftiwall 56
eftirobot 55
alligator 55
jazmine 55
script 55
mnemonic 54
serifcap 54
stampate 54
santaclara 53
stellar 53
graceful 53
s-relief 53
caligraphy 53
bigfig 53
bulbhead 53
mike 53
cybermedium 52
isometric2 51
blocks 51
contessa 51
short 51
peaks 51
coinstak 51
tinker-toy 51
jerusalem 51
computer 51
lcd 50
double 50
marquee 50
morse2 50
flowerpower 49
bright 49
goofy 49
nancyj-improved 49
smisome1 49
smscript 48
usaflag 48
amc3liv1 48
cricket 48
reverse 47
lildevil 47
oldbanner 47
kban 47
smpoison 47
keyboard 46
invita 46
stop 46
smallcaps 46
smshadow 46
train 46
nipples 46
tanja 46
flipped 46
rot13 46
varsity 46
amctubes 46
pawp 45
avatar 45
twopoint 45
weird 45
amcrazo2 45
barbwire 44
tombstone 44
twisted 44
mshebrew210 44
heart_right 44
lockergnome 44
rowancap 43
diamond 43
modular 43
spliff 43
fourtops 43
block 43
shadow 43
amcslash 43
amcthin 42
soft 42
calgphy2 41
amcun1 41
eftiwater 41
1row 41
roman 41
amcneko 41
slscript 41
funfaces 41
braced 41
ticksslant 41
stacey 40
amcslder 40
3d_diagonal 40
fire_font-s 40
rozzo 40
arrows 40
hieroglyphs 40
os2 40
broadway_kb 39
peaksslant 39
sweet 39
crazy 39
stforek 39
chiseled 39
fire_font-k 38
thick 38
poison 38
smtengwar 38
relief2 38
muzzle 38
heart_left 37
merlin1 37
dancingfont 37
ICL-1900 37
lean 37
filter 37
maxfour 37
trek 37
alligator3 36
cola 36
hollywood 36
amcrazor 36
catwalk 36
ascii_new_roman 35
knob 35
pebbles 35
benjamin 35
gradient 35
madrid 35
rammstein 35
defleppard 34
cosmike 34
starstrips 34
moscow 34
fraktur 33
cygnet 33
whimsy 33
ntgreek 33
dwhistled 33
impossible 33
tubular 33
DANC4 33
nvscript 33
horizontalleft 32
tengwar 31
cards 31
puzzle 31
cosmic 31
katakana 31
tsalagi 31
rounded 31
eftichess 31
horizontalright 31
amcaaa01 30
relief 30
glenyn 30
slide 30
funface 30
doubleshorts 30
acrobatic 30
test1 30
rotated 29
ticks 29
lineblocks 29
bear 29
dietcola 29
swan 29
nscript 28
runyc 28
bolger 28
sblood 28
merlin2 28
ghoulish 28
888888b. d8b d8b 888 888 888 888 "88b Y8P Y8P 888 888 888 888 .88P 888 888 888 8888888K. .d88b. 888 .d8888b 88888b. 888 .d88b. 888 888888 .d88b. 888 888 888888 888 "Y88b d8P Y8b 888 88K 888 "88b 888 d8P Y8b 888 888 d8P Y8b `Y8bd8P' 888 888 888 88888888 888 "Y8888b. 888 888 888 88888888 888 888 88888888 X88K 888 888 d88P Y8b. 888 X88 888 d88P 888 Y8b. 888 Y88b. Y8b. .d8""8b. Y88b. 8888888P" "Y8888 888 88888P' 88888P" 888 "Y8888 888 "Y888 "Y8888 888 888 "Y888 888 888 888125 72
Informacje dla styl czcionki colossal:
Colossal.flf (Jonathon - 8 June 1994 Explanation of first line: flf2 - "magic number" for file identification a - should always be `a', for now $ - the "hardblank" -- prints as a blank, but can't be smushed 11 - height of a character 8 - height of a character, not including descenders 20 - max line length (excluding comment lines) + a fudge factor 32 - default smushmode for this font 13 - number of comment lines